How to Support Your Loved One’s Transition to a Senior Living Community

Transitioning from life at home to life at a senior living community is monumental. It marks a decidedly complex time for families to navigate together and can often evoke tension as everyone involved works in the best interest of those they love.

Senior living communities are certainly poised to meet many of the needs that we ourselves might not always be able to provide or access at home, but that doesn’t mean the transition is without complication. For some, this transition can feel like a loss of independence, or the end of a significant season of life. For others, the transition might be hopeful and exciting. Regardless of the feelings accompanying the decision to move to a senior living community, the move itself can be quite intimidating and anxiety-inducing for folks.

As you prepare to navigate your upcoming move, here are some key steps to take to ensure everyone’s emotional, mental, and physical needs are being considered along the way:

Make decisions together.

Whenever possible, include your loved ones in the process! From finding the right community, to the details of moving. Whatever decisions you can make together, you should make together. Include one another early in the process. Discuss hopes and fears openly. Kindness, empathy, and honesty go along way here. Offer validity to the feelings of everyone involved.

Visit your new community together before moving in.

If possible, make a trip to visit the community together prior to moving in. For the future resident, this is a great time to meet other residents, get more familiar with the layout of the building and grounds, and settle some anxiety ahead of moving in. For loved ones, it’s an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the future resident’s new home, gain a sense of the activities offered at the community, and plan some future visits to your loved one’s new home! 

Personalizing your new space.

Undoubtedly, downsizing typically occurs prior to moving in. As you work together to pare down things to hold onto, remember that the future resident has a brand-new space to personalize! As you’re going through treasures and trinkets together, keep an eye out for items that might make this transition easier. From family photos to meaningful trinkets, artwork, or a family quilt, decorating their new home with comfort items can be a great way to alleviate some of the worry.

Lean on the community staff.

As you work together to prepare for this transition, remember that there are resources available. If you have questions, or aren’t quite sure how some things work, lean on the staff at your community. They will have lots of tips on how to make the transition as smooth as possible. Community staff are dedicated and loving and are ready to step in to help both the future resident and their loved ones find peace in the upcoming transition.


Regardless of the reasons for seeking senior living options, everyone involved can benefit from compassion and grace. Rely on one another, listen actively, and know when to ask for help. Visit one another as often as possible and help to make the future resident’s new home a peaceful and vibrant space.


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