Alzheimer’s vs. Dementia

Have you ever wondered about the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia?  

Dementia is a general term used to refer to a person's loss of cognitive function including remembering, thinking, and reasoning. Alzheimer's disease is a specific type of dementia, but not the only one.

Common symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s include:

  • Memory loss

  • Poor judgment and reasoning

  • Decreased focus and attention

  • Changes in one’s ability to read, write and/or speak

  • Having trouble with normal, daily tasks

  • Mood and personality changes

While both dementia and Alzheimer’s disease seem very similar, there are a several things that differentiate the two.

  • Dementia symptoms can develop from diseases other than Alzheimer’s including Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease.

  • Alzheimer's disease is not reversible. Once an individual is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, the disease will continue to progress over time. Some causes of dementia can be reversed with proper treatment.

  • Onset age can be different between dementia and Alzheimer’s. Ninety-five percent of those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease are 65 years or older, while dementia caused by other diseases can start much earlier.

  • In the late stages of Alzheimer’s, an individual can experience difficulties in physical abilities including sitting, walking, and swallowing.

To learn more about this topic, please contact us at 678-359-1426.


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